Closure of a blog

Hi everyone, I am closing this blog officially (i.e. I won't be posting here anymore). I've had lots of draft posts I wanted to post in the past two years but perhaps with no courage to post them and also the lack of time to curate the blog posts properly. But it's alright, I'm moving on. Hope you've enjoyed the blog posts here though! They were sure a little 'childish' but it was the time that moulded my beliefs and interests in nature. Thanks to Ms Wang who asked me to start this blog to post about the intertidal trips I went for! [just a self note: it is interesting to see how so many things have changed and progressed, though] Because of this, I also feel more than ever, that I need to start on a clean slate...

Thus, with a closure, comes a new 'beginning' -- a collaboration between my fellow course mates and I -- we have a blog called "Never Wild Enough" ( Do visit, if you like.

This is blog is officially closed.

Thank you and signing off,

Memorable labels
  1. Caterpillar that fell from the tree - Atlas moth caterpillar (